Friday, March 4, 2011

Twitter professional development and State Tests

Friday 3 PM 3.4.11                           Twitter and state tests
Last week I previewed this week with: Next week Twitter Professional Development.  So that is where I will start.  I spoke with our tech guy and pitched doing a staff workshop where another teacher and I teach the staff the 5 Ws and 1H of Twitter.  We would take a day and set up shop somewhere with a projector, maybe a smart board and our laptops and walk them through Twitter.  The tech guy loved the idea and was all for it.  (Between you and me he could stand to learn about Twitter a bit more, he would admit that too.)  So then I pitched the idea to my principle who could, quite frankly, also use an introduction to Twitter.  He is all for it but unfortunately he doesn’t want me to miss more classes than I have to. 
His point is well taken considering I chair a committee, sit on another one and have to norm and grade a sample HSPA for 9th and 10th graders.  This works out well though, since mine will not be the voice in the workshop a teacher’s leadership capacity will grow, she will be the one teaching the staff about Twitter.  And, truth be told, she is a better Tweeter than I am.  So, this week I worked up a brief proposal with essential questions, objectives and a procedure.  She tweaked it and now all she has to do is pick a date and location in the building.  (Sorry guys if you feel I called you out, but I have said this to both of you at some point.)  (I don’t even know if they are reading this.)
If you have any ideas about this topic please share.  Here is the proposal outline:
I.                     Essential questions: 
a.        Why Twitter?
b.       How can Twitter benefit me in the classroom?
c.        How can Twitter make me a better teacher?
d.       How can I use Twitter to help my students achieve.

II.                    Objective: Teacher students will be able to:

a.        Appreciate the educational benefits of using Twitter
b.       Navigate the Twitter environment
c.        Sign up for an account on Twitter
d.       Find people to follow on Twitter
e.       Use all of the features of Twitter, including hashtags and “@”
f.         Develop a profile that “works” for them.

III.                  Procedure: The “teacher” will show the “students” the procedure via the projector then the “students” will practice and the “teacher” will go about and provide assistance.

a.        Go to
b.       Sign up
                                                                                       i.      Create a profile
c.        Find people to follow
d.       Post a Tweet
e.       Follow a link
f.         ReTweet something
g.        Mention someone
h.       Post a blog or article you read
i.         How to use hashtags and what they mean.
                                                                                       i.      Follow trends.
j.         Create lists.
k.        Q & A

Moving on to the craziness of the week here in New Jersey:  HSPA WEEK!!!!!!!!  It makes a week feel like a month for a test that measures 1980s skills in the 21st century.  I graduated high school in New Jersey in 1991 and it is basically the same test.  All they did was swap an expository essay for a picture prompt.  HSPAs disrupt classes, they alter the educational flow and they create confusion and wear out the kids so they cannot focus for the rest of the day. I’m not making an indictment on the kids here; I couldn’t focus after I took the HSPAs when I was in high school.  I continue to question the educational validity of standardized tests, especially at this time of the year.
That said, we do something pretty interesting here.  We give a sample HSPA to all of our 9th and 10th graders to get a sense of where they are as far as having the skills necessary to pass the HSPA by their junior year.  The problem is that now we have to grade them.  That falls mostly on my English and the Special Education departments.  In one week from Monday we will norm the rubrics and then a few days later we will grade the tests.  We then take the data and distribute it to the teachers so they can address their concerns with the individual students.  We also put selected students, based on the lowest scores, into a BSI class which is focused on the skills needed to be successful to pass the HSPA.  This is our third year doing this and while it is tough for us to grade and record all of that data it does seem to help the teachers in the classroom.
Well that is enough rambling for this week.  Off to the supermarket. As always thanks for read, please feel free to comment, good or bad, offer suggestions on any of the topics in here as well as what I could do to write a better blog.  Enjoy your weekend. 

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